
I Bell & Ross replica watches various body parts and make

Bodily hygiene is also a must, and I Bell & Ross replica watches various body parts and make sure I clip my toenails to prepare them for the onslaught of the marathon! Visualisation is a huge part of training my brain, and so I always go through the race in my mind, and ensure I have a mental, as well as a physical plan to deal with all the inevitable ups and downs – like my goggles getting knocked off, a flat tire, or nutritional issues. It is so important to visualise the whole event and give myself the peace of mind so that I can cope with the unexpected.

In terms of food and drink, I don’t overhydrate or overeat. I cut down on Rolex Datejusts replica watches fiber and spicy/rich foods about three days out to try to reduce the likelihood of GI distress and stick to plain foods, with a lower GI index, such as white rice, bread, and pasta. Retaining the same calorific intake coupled with the reduction in training ensures my glycogen stores are full, but not overflowing. I always eat my main meal at about 6.30-7 p.m. the night before a race. And it’s always the same delicious and nutritious treat: tuna pasta with a tomato sauce, a bit of cheese, and some olive oil.

I always have a list of the equipment I will/may need and I check each item to ensure I haven’t forgotten anything. It’s also good to have spares--for example, I have Rolex Sports Models replica watches two pairs of TYR goggles--a clear pair for darker conditions and a tinted pair for sunny days. or watching a movie. The Shining is probably best avoided. Pretty Woman or Top Gun get my vote.I also spend my spare time doing things that help take my mind off the race--talking to friends, listening to music, reading,